The lath and plaster wall was vitrified about a week ago and on Saturday I painted some of the woodwork above it with a gloss paint by the Little Greene Paint company, called Hollyhock. It was just the end of a tin I've had under the sink for about 5 years, but it was still in perfect condition. I did the beam above the lath and plaster and some other bits...

I also painted the mantlepiece and it looks great, but I forgot to take a picture! Next time...
Today I stripped some plaster from the old cupboard alcove, which now looks like this...

When the pipe is boxed in I quite fancy wallpapering this alcove with some 60s paper I found in the shop when I bought it. I want to make a box cushion to match the paper so you can sit in the alcove... Just an idea, I may change my mind.
This whole project has been bedevilled by me changing my mind! I first intended just to make do and mend, but it rapidly got out of hand. Now the entire place has changed, with the result that the living room is much larger, and the kitchen will be downstairs...

I just walked in one day, looked at the ground floor and thought 'Why waste all this space?'...
The sockets should be working by the end of the week and the units moved back against the wall. I would like to tile, but that costs money, so may have to wait until the budget is a little higher than zero!
I like your frugal style Penny. It's okay to change your mind, it's your place! Besides, it's fun to learn and see how things turn out. Good job. The 60's paper sounds interesting. I've been collecting 60's bed sheets and pillowcases, they are full of bring and fun flowers.